“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God who said ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” II Corinthians 4:5-6

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last Week's Sunday School Lesson

Here is the outline from last week’s Adult Sunday School Lesson:

Old Testament Theology Lesson 6
(Exodus Part II)
Israel’s Deliverance from Egypt

God planned the bondage of Israel.
God planned the deliverance of Israel. (Genesis 15:12-16)

I. The people God used in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt.

Shiphrah & Puah (Exodus 1:15)
Moses’ Parents (Hebrews 11:23)
Moses’ Sister (Exodus 2:5)
Moses’ Brother (Exodus 4:10-16)
Moses’ Wife (Exodus 4:24-26)
Moses (Exodus 3:1-10)

II. The plagues God used in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt.

(Exodus chapters 6-12)
Blood to water                             Boils
Frogs                                            Hail
Gnats                                            Locust
Flies                                             Darkness
Death of Egyptian Livestock       Death of Firstborn Son

Some interesting observations about the plagues
1. Pharaoh’s magicians were able to reproduce the first two plagues
2. Not until the 5th plague does the Bible tell us that the plague effected only the Egyptians
3. Water to blood, Frogs, Boils, Hail, Locust, Darkness are all mentioned in the book of Revelation

III. Pharaoh’s rebellion against God and the deliverance of Israel from Egypt

LORD will harden Pharaoh’s heart 3x’s Exodus 4:21, 7:3, 14:4
LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart 6x’s Exodus 9:12, 10:1, 10:20, 10:27, 11:10, 14:8
Pharaoh’s heart was hardened 7x’s Exodus 7:13, 7:14, 7:22, 8:19, 9:7, 9:35, 14:15
Pharaoh hardened his heart 3x’s Exodus 8:15, 8:32, 9:34


We don’t have to guess as to why God dealt with Israel and Egypt the way he did. The Bible tells us.

1. God's Self-Glorification
2. Picture of Salvation in Jesus Christ
2. Reward for Believers
3. Judgment for Wicked
Exodus 4:21-23, 9:13-16, 11:4-9, 13:1-16, 15:1-21, Acts 7:1-53, Hebrews 11:23-29, Revelation 15

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